Monday, July 15, 2024 | Opferman Motors

Maico Brothers Archive

Maico Scooters

We would like to Welcome Steve Thompson to Maico Brothers. Steve is the Editor of the UK's The Maico Owners' Club Magazine (Maico letter). If you have any Question's about Maico Scooters Please contact Steve Thompson.

-Foot Note-

These days both Maico scooters are cherished collectors items, with the Mobil in particular being very much sought after. There is little doubt that the Maicoletta had everything a scooter owner could want, speed, handling,economy, and it looked good. The Mobil on the other hand is a design classic with many features ahead of its time. Unkindly nick-named the "dustbin" by the press of the day, in the 21st century owners can laugh all the way to the bank with their investment.

Riding both machines is an experience, the Mobil despite it's bulky appearance is easy to handle. comfortable and fun to ride - except in cross winds!! The Maicoletta has the edge on acceleration and speed. Both of them are head-turners.

If you haven't got one - Start looking NOW!!


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